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Exploring the world of fruits and vegetables allows children to become familiar with all their characteristics, what they look like, what they smell, what they taste and what you feel when you touch them.

On Friday we explored oranges and grapefruits. We invited them to use different materials to explore them.

We gave them some magnifying glasses, the mirror table and the light table as well.

"Mirá , sale juego si lo "Tiene semillitas"


"Está rico.."

"Tiene semillas y la banana no tiene"

"Si apretás sale juego, se resbalan"

"Mirá, negro" "Tiene semillitas" "Acá se ve oscuro"

"No hay semillas"

Children learnt through experiences: touching, moving, tasting, observing, etc., and the children developed a relationship with other children during the exploration and with materials.

We have also observed and explored some lemons and pears. We compared them and discovered that lemons are juicy and pears are not.

We found that both are yellow.



In this opportunity the children explored vegetables. They prepared salad.

First they investigated and examined the tomatoes, lettuce and peas.

They observed and compared the different vegetables, and described them. They talked about where they come from. They named them and learnt new vocabulary. While they were touching them, they were able to feel different textures and smelled them as well. They talked about their colours.

One of the children noticed the letucce was hard as the bones.

They also tried the tomatoes and decided they liked them .

These are some of the things they thought and said:

-"La lechuguita es para tortugas"

- "Las verduras salen de un árbol" (Valen)

- "Salen de la tierra y de una planta" (Isidro)

- "Salen del frutitero" (Valen)

- "Por eso yo tengo un árbol de limón" (Lolo)

- "Los tomates tienen semillas y jugo" (Pachi y Juana G.)

- "Si mojo la lupa con el tomate queda borrosa" (Isidro)

- "La lechuga tiene huesos" (Pachi mientras miraba la aparte del medio dura de la lechuga y blanca)

- "Hay lechugas más duras y otras más blandas" (Pachi)

- "Esta rico el jugo del tomate" (Lolo)

- "Algunos tienen semillas y otros no" (Amalia)

They also developed fine motor skills while cutting the lettuce with their hands, and cutting the tomatoes with knives.

Children felt really proud of what they had prepared.


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