Our Writing or Mark-Making Centre
At Godspell we believe that our Learning Spaces truly are our Third Teacher and that materials are there for our students to use and enjoy. Every material is selected for a reason and is presented in a way that invites its use. Most 5-year olds are really into writing and enjoy using this space. We have envelopes to send letters to friends or family, puzzles with lower-case letters, stamps for those children that are still not able to write their letters, different games, their journals and more!
We wanted to share with you our K4 and K5 writing centres. We usually have writing or mark-making provocations in the table right next to these shelves but have these materials available throughout the year in case the kids need more supplies.

Here's a description of each material:
Top - Arriba:
Pencils - Lápices negros
Markers - Marcadores
Colored Pencils and sharpeners- Lápices y sacapuntas
Scissors - Tijeras
Glue - Plasticola
Crayons - Crayones
Colored paper (blue, green, pink, recycled white) - Papeles de colores (rosa, azul, verde y reciclado cremita)
Their names written in Upper Case - Sus nombres en mayúscula
First Shelf - Primer estante (right to left - derecha a izquierda)
Black and colored ink - Tinta negra y otros colores
Upper case and lower casa letter stamps - Sellos de imprenta mayúscula y minúscula
Letters Memotest - Memotest de letras
Dice with images to spark stories - Dados con imágenes para provocar historias
Common words in Upper Case letters - Palabras comunes en mayúscula
Second Shelf - Segundo estante
Upper case wooden letters (with nothing on the background since we have a bilingual school)
Envelopes - Sobres
Letters in clips to spell - Letras con ganchos para deletrear
Magnet letters (Upper and lower case) - Letras con iman (mayúscula y minúscula)
Last Shelf - último estante
Lower case wooden letters (with nothing on the background since we have a bilingual school)
K5 Journals (only for 5 year olds) - Libros de escritura solo para preescolar

First shelf - primer estante:
Pencils - Lápices negros
Markers - Marcadores
Colored Pencils and sharpeners- Lápices y sacapuntas
Scissors - Tijeras
Glue - Plasticola
Small colored paper - Papel glasé
Their names written in Upper Case - Sus nombres en mayúscula
Second Shelf - Segundo estante
Magazines to cut letters and images - Revistas para recortar letras e imagenes
Crayons - Crayones
Colored paper (blue, green, pink, recycled white) - Papeles de colores (rosa, azul, verde y reciclado cremita)
Last Shelf - último estante
Whiteboards with markers - Pizarras blancas con marcadores para pizarra
Envelopes - Sobres
Letters - Letras de goma